Alzheimer’s Dementia and Hope

About 11 years ago my dad died. There was the usual family chaos, financial upheaval, and heartbreaking loss felt by all of us remaining. I say this with the hindsight of almost 6 years of hospice nursing now, recognize how the loss of our patriarch threw my mom, me, and my 2 sisters out of … More Alzheimer’s Dementia and Hope

Zija’s XM3

I’m feeling a bit peevish today, so we’ll see how this turns out: This is your brain on Rock Star/Monster/Red Bull: In an article in the New York Times on January 31, 2011, author Jane E. Brody reports: “The often bizarre combination of ingredients in these drinks prompted three researchers from the University of Texas … More Zija’s XM3

Zija, the Miracle Mix!

The transition of Moringa olifeira into the company, Zija, was accomplished by Mr. Ken Brailsford as I mentioned previously. One of the outstanding team of researchers and formulators he enlisted was Russ Bianchi, star of the YouTube video in my last blog. In that video Mr. Bianchi outlines how the company came about. For those … More Zija, the Miracle Mix!

Zija and Moringa oleifera–Historical Perspective Part 2

How this all started, with a phone call from a long-lost friend, ended rather abruptly when she grew tired of the topic and moved on to the reason for her call. Which is a story for another time…. However, her questions regarding why the pharmaceutical and medical establishments hadn’t continued forward with development of medications … More Zija and Moringa oleifera–Historical Perspective Part 2

Sugar Toxic? Zija’s the Answer, Empower Network the Way!

Sugar as a toxin came to my attention in a mainstream way a few nights ago due to the CBS 60 Minutes segment on Sunday night. There is compelling new research that lends credence to claims that sugar is killing us. Dr. Robert Lustig of UCSF has been researching this topic for about the last … More Sugar Toxic? Zija’s the Answer, Empower Network the Way!